Wednesday 26 June 2013

Our home and hood

 Oh Penske truck..We had a very difficult time looking for a place to park out little beast the first night and were very excited to get rid of it the next day. We had to do some shopping and since we don't have a car we decided to do it while we had the truck. This ended at about one but we still had to search for a gas station and since our gps is a bitch she took us all over town before we finally ended up at the Penske rental office. Which was closed. Since the office is six miles from our home we were planning on taking a cab but with no phone to call one we had yet another night with the truck. We were finally rid of him the next day and an 8000 pound weight was lifted off our shoulders.

We didn't realize how many things we had until we moved into our tiny apartment. Before we even got our chairs and my desk up the stairs we realized we didn't have the space or the need for them. We left the chairs in front of our building expecting to take them to the Goodwill but one of our neighbors asked if he could have them and he swept them away. I had about seven boxes of clothes, yet I still wear Scott's, and boxes of knick knacks and posters. We were blessed with huge windows and walls so we were able to fill those with all of our art and personal items. I thought I would feel cramped and crowded to live in a 250 sq ft apartment with a man and a chinchilla. But I've never felt more free and open. I can feel Scott and I growing closer already, working together to make our small area a home. Without very much space we've discovered what we thought we needed we truly just wanted. We're not crowded by stuff and unnecessary items. Living right downtown and paying cheap rent also helps.
because tea and coffee mix with pasta in a tiny apartment

People have asked me if we think we'll fight all the time because we're in a small space, or how we deal with having such little room. To all of those people, I am going to answer this once so refer everyone to this post. We love each other enough to grant the other space if needed and go for a walk. We respect each other enough to not make the other feel bad if they do need space. We adore each other enough that we want to be cramped in one room together. And there are a lot of people who would love a space as big as ours. So we don't "deal" with it, we enjoy it and appreciate it.

1 comment:

  1. I have a new appreciation for living a simple life without all the clutter since we've lived here and hope that when we return to Florida I can simplify there as well. I love how you two understand the need for personal space; it's so wise and respectful. And you know the best thing about a small apartment??? Less to clean!!!!
